Floating Rate Securities
Asset-backed Securities
Structured Securities |
About Us |
CapitalTrack Ltd (CT) is an independent, financial data management company based in the UK.
We were established in January 2000 to create a web-based platform for the collection, storage and distribution of operational data within the international Floating Rate, Asset Backed and Structured Securities markets - collectively the financial world's largest and most complex asset classes. |
Asset class overview:
- Vast financial footprint (in excess of US$ 8 trillion)
- Still growing in terms of volume (125,000+) and product innovation
- 6000 issuers, 50+ jurisdictions, 30 currencies
- Monthly cash flow... US$ 475+ billion (redemptions / interest)
- Administration of this "footprint" is done by 750+ servicing agents globally
Trade Repository
Today, CT maintains the largest independent, on-line Repository of static and event-based operational data in the Floating and Variable Rate space.
Using a combination of web-based infrastructure and role-specific tools, the Repository maintains over 200,000 documents and collects / supplies an average of 34,000 coupon re-sets / corporate actions a month for interest and redemption payments worth in excess of US$ 300 billion.
The Repository provides:
- Active / validated data collection
- Industry standardization
- Full lifecycle data
- Original legal documents
- Comprehensive search functionality
- Fast, web-based delivery.